here comes the fear

here we are – 2nd day of 2016 and we’re writing again! goals being completed! i also made a spin class this morning which means that my total exercise quota of the new year is 1 for 2! things are looking up.

…or at least they were this morning when i started this post. i told you, i’m really good at starting things and not great at finishing them. but, in the spirit of attaining goals, here i am finishing this post so i can keep my promise to myself of writing everyday. i’ve heard it’s like a muscle, you have to keep working at it if it’s going to get stronger. i think i’m in the huffing-and-puffing-why-did-i-agree-to-do-this stage of writing. the sore spot. hopefully the more i do it, the easier it will be to pull this stuff outta me and i will grow to love this blog instead of resenting it.

i think if i’m being honest with myself, there’s a part of me that’s not letting it all out, that’s holding back. because it’s different now, when you’re older and more established. it’s riskier to put all your stuff out there on the internet for other people to read. i used to love that about writing, about being honest, about connecting with other people. relating. why am i so afraid now?

ugh, i’m so over fear.