whiskey, jazz, and overages

it’s 85 months into the pandemic and here i am. listening to jazz, working late and drinking whiskey. almost makes me feel like i’m back in NY. why is it that i’ve been craving NY so deeply lately? maybe it’s that feeling of freedom i miss. freedom from responsibility, freedom to wander the city at any hour doing whatever i want because it’s just me. these are the things i like about being single.

i really should go to bed, but since now is the first time (besides the yoga class i took at 6) i’ve had to myself without work i really want to enjoy it. and damn, why have i forgotten how amazing whiskey is?

i have a few more things to tackle on my life list and i feel like i’m slowly accomplishing things. i’ve almost worked up the courage to have a conversation with my landlord and that will be taken care of. prepping me for the next wave of drama. but i guess it’s nice to feel like i’m on the other side. of what, i don’t know. but april, may, and june sure were shitty.

anyway. i’ve lost interest in this now. but it feels good to write. let’s do this again sometime, shall we? you bring the blank page, i’ll bring the whiskey.