day 2

oh hey there, look at me sticking to a commitment 2 days in a row! me, i’m so proud of you. i think it helps that i still haven’t quite gotten back onto LA time yet and i keep waking up somewhere between 5am – 6am. my morning routine is not mad at that. my nighttime routine is crying because it is over by 9pm when i am struggling to stay awake during my “stories.” i’m so behind on everything cuz i keep falling asleep!

so let’s see. where do i begin. yesterday was a little tough if i’m being honest to be here in Thousand Oaks. but let me start with the positives first. a positive was that i had to go get blood drawn at Quest Diagnostics, and they had a location that was 6 mins away from here. there was no traffic to get there, and i didn’t have to pay for parking. easy breezy. very little stress.

i had a facial scheduled last night because of valentine’s day (self-care!). and it was scheduled at 5:45p. normally, that would be a 15-20 min commute from my apartment in Culver which means i would have had to pack up a bit early and address the final emails after hours. however, this meant i had to leave at 4:45p minimum because the directions were quoting me 53mins. so i was stressing on the drive down about answering emails, all the while watching the traffic time estimate creep up – so i didn’t actually get there until 5:55p because i was looking for parking, and then i had to pee, and it was like a whole thing. granted, if i lived in this area – the assumption would be that i would probably find personal care people that were local and avoid all this stress. but for now, it’s hard when you’re life is in two places and you’re navigating pleasing people and traffic time estimates that are out of your control. so i learned that i have to leave at least a 15 min pad while commuting from here. noted.

then after the facial, i went to my friend Chelsea’s to have a sushi date for GALENTINE’S, which was great but short. i had sushi and 1 beer because i didn’t want to be too tired / impaired to drive the 45 mins home. and i had to leave at 9:45p when i felt myself getting tired because of then reasons outlined in the first paragraph. so we had basically 1.5 hrs of hang time, whereas before we could have probably stretched that until around 1030/11p. so while nice, it was just short.

so, i don’t know – after a great weekend where i felt so close to this area / central coast, etc. i feel a bit more torn being so far away from the action of the city today. i miss being in the mix a little. it’s just an observation, not going to judge it, just going to note it for today.

a friend of mine once told me that the best way to operate during time periods of transition is to turn worry into wonder. instead of operating with the thought of “i don’t know what will happen today, next week, next month, etc” we get to say “i wonder what will happen today?” it’s how we can turn fear into childlike wonder. and it’s one of the best pieces of wisdom i’ve ever received to try and help my scared little brain walk through change.

so, with that, i let go of judgement and fear. and i bring in wonder.

hello tuesday. whatchu got?