make a decision.

i’ve read somewhere that writer’s block is the product of the writer not being able to be honest about something. so in an effort to keep the words flowing, i’m just going to write what’s on my mind. which is that i’m obsessed with the anna delvey story.

i remembered reading the article(s) when they came out a few years ago, flabbergasted that a 20-something year old girl could stick a friend with $62k hotel charges, and that not even be the extent of her crimes. but just how she was able to fool so many people is fascinating. the “inventing anna” show on netflix isn’t groundbreaking, but it is entertaining because of the subject matter. only problem is, i keep falling asleep during episodes because i STILL can’t seem to get back on LA time.

i don’t know if it’s costa rica, or the fact that i stopped taking my allergy medication because, as it turns out, i’m not allergic to anything, so super glad i was on allergy pills for like 20 years. or if it’s the fact that i’m not sleeping in my own bed. or hormones due to this wicked period. or stress at work. or stress in life. but something is making it impossible to sleep. i fall asleep every night between 930 – 10pm, wake up at 2:30, and then wake up somewhere between 5am – 6am for good. every. night. today i’m going on a hike, so maybe adding in more physical activity than just walking might help? but damn. i’d like to sleep.

i told my mom i missed my apartment last night, which is the truth. and i’m wondering if i should go back next weekend for a little “vacation” in my own apartment, just to see if i in fact miss the city. or, if i’m missing it like i miss the thought of NY and then when i get there i’m like – oh right, this is fun for a little bit, but not to live. not sure, but i feel like i’m getting close to making a decision and we’re only 1 week into the experiment. or maybe i’m just tired of living this fractured life in limbo, and i just want to make A decision so i can settle in somewhere.

universe, help guide me. i’m trusting you.