finishing what i started

yesterday i had all good intentions to write a 2015 wrap up post of everything that i had done / accomplished / everywhere i’d traveled to / etc in 2015 to reflect on the past year and usher in the new one. and i think 2015 is summed up by the fact that i started too late in the day, got halfway through the post and then abandoned it. i’m really good at starting things and not so great about finishing them.

so with 2016, with the new year – my intention is to finish what i start. and it starts with this blog and actually writing some things in it.

i’d like to set a goal to write something everyday. if it’s good, if it’s bad. even if it’s just to say – i hate writing everyday why did i make this goal? i have kept so many blogs over the years, and i love that they’re like a time capsule, a glimpse into my life and into my head during whatever time period i wrote it. and it’s therapeutic to get my thoughts out on internet “paper” and help untangle what i’m really thinking and feeling from everything that’s in my head.

i think 2016 is going to be a great year – it was ushered in without the same bravado and fanfare as new years’ past and i think that is symbolic of a turning point. i’m in a place where i am giving less fucks. in a good way.

i think i’m ready to put in the work to participating in my own life. less streaming videos, more doing things, less fear.


let’s do this.