there’s a starman waiting in the sky

why do i always get inspiration to write when i’m exhausted? it’s like the minute i decide i need to drag my sorry ass into bed, i get an idea. something pops into my head. sometimes i ignore it, but i had that feeling tugging on my insides that i needed to dig out my computer and get my thoughts out on paper…er out in the blogosphere.

on sunday, david bowie died and i’m really really sad. and i know i don’t know him or anything, but it just is one of those things where you feel like there’s a void, that the whole world has a void. the energy shifts and you can’t pinpoint the feeling you have except that it kind of feels like what loneliness feels like. on monday, every single radio station … even the justin bieber ones…were playing bowie. i fought back tears on way into work, though i felt silly for even crying a little. i never knew bowie personally, so why do i care? it’s that feeling. emptiness.

i feel lucky to have been raised in a family that appreciates music. after the news broke, my dad sent out a text via our family group chat – “wow, david bowie dead from cancer.” most of us responded with shock and talking about how we didn’t know he was sick, and then my sister kelsey asked – “what’s everyone’s favorite david bowie song?”

“life on mars and under pressure. and little drummer boy with bing crosby”
“either moonage daydream or suffragette city. pretty much anything from ziggy stardust days. reminds me of old hollywood.”
“favorite song…yeah, everything he ever did…even the stuff outside of the box!! he really was a musical legend”
“ziggy stardust, starman, fame, moonage daydream”
“life on mars, ziggy stardust, rebel rebel”
“i like under pressure with queen”
“also rock and roll suicide. ‘time takes a cigarette, puts it in your mouth. then a finger and another finger, then cigarette…..oh no you’re a rock and roll suicide.’ classic”

starman, life on mars, and under pressure repeated in my head all day at work, almost like a soundtrack for the day, like my head wanted to pay tribute. and i let it.
today was business as usual, and everyone moved on to other things, and the radio stations were back to playing justin bieber and my head followed suit.

but it was nice for one day to celebrate his life, his creativity, his contributions to the world. and even though he leaves behind a void here on earth, i can’t help but think that ziggy has finally found his place in space. and now, there really is life on mars.